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Empower Ethiopian students to transform their lives and their nation

Education for Ethiopia is a social enterprise that aims to provide digital education to Ethiopian students in local languages. Ethiopia is a country of many diverse languages and cultures, with about 40% of the population under the age of 14.Our hope is to empower Ethiopian students with lessons in their own languages, so that they may transform their lives and their nation. 

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Imagine if you had to learn STEM subjects in a language you barely understand.

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One of the challenges that Ethiopian students face is the fact that higher education is provided in English and many students are not fluent enough to absorb complicated lessons in the STEM subjects. We hope to fill in this gap between the students and the lessons in the classroom. We cannot replace schools. But we can certainly supplement them.​


Beyond school, students have many demands on their time. 

Our students shoulder serious responsibilities, sometimes beyond their years. They work and help their families in and outside their homes. It is very common for students, especially female pupils, to:

  • prepare food for their entire family daily

  • earn some money by selling home-made items

  • fetch water if they live in places where clean water is unavailable

  • take care of younger siblings

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Easy-to-access education

We provide content in local languages, using context and explanations that students are more familiar with. 


Our digital lessons enable them to learn at their own pace, with the ability to pause, rewind, and repeat in a way that they are not able to in the classroom. If they skip school for a period of time because life gets in the way, our platform enables them to catch up.


In addition, most of our instruction materials are in engaging video format, sourced from world-class content providers from around the globe.

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With the right support, our students will fulfill their potential.

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As a country of young people, Ethiopia has incredible human potential. Students of today have the ability to reach the highest level of any profession. We hope to facilitate this process by making education more flexible and accessible. Our dream is to help the children of today blossom into the  capable and confident professionals of tomorrow. 



A student-facing solution that provides K-12 STEM lessons as well as foreign language training

“Saquama” is our student-facing platform that reaches students through a Youtube channel, a website, and a mobile application. On Saquama, we are building our K-12 STEM lessons as well as foreign language training. 

As we grow, we hope to include other platforms that cater to vocational education, higher education, and personal development.

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Partnering to bring our vision to life

We are currently working with Khan Academy to bring their world-class content to Ethiopian students. We are also actively working to expand our partnerships in content, translation, and distribution. Together we make a positive impact on the lives of Ethiopian children. 

We are grateful to the McMillan Stewart Foundation for their grant support for content production. 

STEMpower is an educational institution with a large presence in Africa, particularly in Ethiopia. Through their country-wide STEM Centers, we are working to make our content available for students across Ethiopia. 

We are continuing our work with the Ministry of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,supporting STEM education in schools and participating in the annual National Science and Engineering Fair. 

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We are collaborating with China-based NGO, Shero League, in order to provide 1on1 Chinese learning for selected Ethiopian students. In this program, young college students and graduates from China provide intro Chinese lessons to young people in Ethiopia. Would you like to see a video showing the progress of students in just a few months?

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Established in 1926, Lycée Guebre-Mariam is the most prominent French school in Ethiopia. We are honored that they are providing us access to their state-of-the-art laboratories to film our STEM content for a wider audience. Through this collaboration, we are hoping that millions of students who don't have access to the same facilities can still broaden their horizons. 

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